IELTS 동의어 정리 (7/9)


1. inordinate = excessive, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, lavish

2. interlocked = linked, (inter)connected, coupled,

engaged, interlinked, joined, united

3. intimate = close, friendly, familiar

4. intrinsic = fundamental, inherent, essential ,inborn,

ingrained, innate, integral // (ant.) extrinsic

5. inviolable = without exception, allowing no attack, allowing no exception

6. luminous = brilliant, gleaming, shining, bright, glowing, lucent, lucid

7. meticulous = (extremely) careful, detailed, conscientious, painstaking

8. myriad = countless, innumerable, many,

numberless, numerous, unnumbered

9. pertinent = applicable, appropriate, relative,

relevant, apposite, material

10. sought-after = desirable, attractive, fashionable, popular, preferred

11. static = unchanging, constant, consistent, invariable, stable, steady, unvarying

12. tentative = uncertain, cautious, hesitant, timid

13. be inclined to = be likely[apt, liable, prone, susceptible] to, tend to, inclined

14. impediment = barrier, clog, encumbrance,

hindrance, obstacle, obstruction

15. belch = (suddenly) emit, discharge, give off[out]

16. boast = (proudly) posses, have, own; brag, swagger, flaunt, pride

17. cling = adhere, cleave, hold tightly, stick, cohere

18. perish = decay, die, disappear, spoil, vanish, wither

19. strew = scatter, disperse, spread

20. aberrant = abnormal, atypical, anomalous,

divergent, deviating, irregular

21. accustomed to = used to, familiar, with

22. adept = skillful, accomplished, deft, expert,

proficient, talented, versatile

23. brittle = (easily) breakable, easily broken,

delicate, fragile, friable

24. bustling = active, busy, lively, crowded

25. chancy = risky, hazardous, perilous/

precarious, uncertain, unpredictable

26. intermittent = happening from time to time,

sporadic, irregular, occasional, periodic

27. overly = excessively, inordinately, too

28. palatial = magnificent, deluxe, grand, lavish, luxurious, splendid, opulent

IELTS 단어 정리 ( 7/9 )


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