IELTS 동의어 정리 (6/9)


1. phenomenal = extraordinary, incredible, outstanding,
rare, remarkable, singular, unique

2. uniformly = consistently, evenly, invariable,
without variation, smooth(ly)

3. boon = (great) benefit, advantage, aid, asset, help

4. in conjunction with = concomitant with, accompanying,
accompanied by, along with, together with

5. mandate = ordering, instruction, order, command,
charge, commission, ruling / authority

6. abound in = 1. be numerous (in), be abundant (in) /
2. be filled with, be full of, teem with

7. bombard = hit, strike

8. compress = compact, crush, pack, press, squeeze

9. conquer = defeat, beat, triumph over, vanquish, overcome,
control, cope with, deal with, get over, master

10. course = run (through), flow (Through), stream (through)

11. disband = dismiss, break up,
disentangle, disperse, dissolve, scatter, separate

12. dissipate = disperse, be dispelled, disappear,
dissolve, scatter, vanish; squander, waste

13. elongate = lengthen, stretch, extend

14. exert = apply, attempt, employ, use, exercise, put out, wield

15. furnish = provide, afford, bestow, equip, give, offer, supply

16. retard = slow (down), delay, hold [put, set] back, postpone

17. deceiving / deceptive = fraudulent, misleading, beguiling, deluding, false

18. enigmatic = mysterious, puzzling, unfathomable

19. resilient = easy[quick] to recover, durable, hardy, strong

20. utterly = absolutely, completely, altogether, entirely, thoroughly, wholly

21. feat = accomplishment, (remarkable) achievement, attainment

22. in earnest = seriously, fervently, purposefully, resolutely, thoughtfully

23. reconcile = make people friendly, settle,
make peace between; accept as true, accept, come to accept

24. deem = consider

25. size up = evaluate, assess, judge; gauge, measure, survey

26. immobile = motionless, stationary, standing, static

27. incompatible with = in conflict with, at odds with,
contrary to, different to, inconsistent with, in opposition to

IELTS 단어 정리 ( 6/9 )


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