IELTS 동의어 정리 (5/9)


1. embark = start, begin, establish, initiate, commence, inaugurate/
board ship, go on board

2. flee (from) = run away (from), escape, take off

3. induce = persuade, stimulate, convince, draw, prevail /
bring about, cause, generate, engender, entail, produce

4. proliferate = increase, become numerous, multiply, grow rapidly

5. secrete = discharge, produce, release, emit, excrete, send out /
conceal, hide, veil, screen

6. synthesize = integrate, combine

7. erratic = unpredictable, aberrant, abnormal, eccentric, irregular, strange, peculiar

8. formidable = difficult (to deal with), arduous, hard, laborious /
impressive, alarming, great, powerful, tremendous

9. meager = scanty, scarce, thin, very low, inadequate, deficient

10. potent = powerful, strong, forceful, robust

11. reluctant = averse, disinclined, hesitant, loath, unwilling, afraid

12. relic = remains, remnants

13. repercussion = consequence, effect, result, outcome

14. stipulation = requirement, condition, provision, reservation

15. coincide with = accord with, agree with, correspond with,
answer to, be at the same time, concur with

16. commission = hire, employ, engagement; order

17. confine = limit, bar, circumscribe, restrict, enclose, imprison, trap

18. contract = shorten, reduce; agree, pledge, promise, undertake

19. impart = give, provide, afford, bestow, confer, grant, supply

20. abrupt = sudden, surprising, hasty, impetuous, precipitate, precipitous

21. arid = barren, (very) dry, infertile, sterile, unproductive, unfruitful

22. eclectic = diverse, various, comprehensive, extensive, varied; /
particular, select, selective, nice, overparticular

23. extant = in existence, living, existing, remaining, still existent, surviving

24. impermeable = impenetrable, impassable, impervious

25. momentous = significant, critical, crucial, decisive, important, pivotal

IELTS 단어 정리 ( 5/9 )


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