1. crest = peak, acme, apex, pinnacle, top, summit
2. fluid = changeable, alterable, malleable, modifiable
3. tranquil = calm, placid, serene, tranquil, undisturbed
4. inauspicious = ominous, unfavorable, baleful, baneful, threatening, unlucky
5. incise = carve, cut, engrave, slice, slit
6. capitalize on = take advantage of, abuse, exploit, impose on, play on, use
7. mammoth = gigantic, huge, colossal, enormous
8. inert = inactive, motionless, not moving, passive
9. obsolete = archaic, outdated, out of date, ancient, outworn,
out of use, unused, dead, disused, superseded
10. net = final
11. sterile = unproductive, barren, infertile, unfruitful
12. shard = fragment
13. sediment = debris, residue, remains, remainder
14. account for = cause, give reason for/ explain, clarify, describe,
comprise, make up, compose, constitute
15. account = description, version, report
16. decimate = destroy, reduce, annihilate, demolish, devastate, extinguish, ruin, wreck
17. drastic = extreme, rapid, severe, striking, extensive, forceful, radical, strong,
thorough, exhaustive
18. lethal = deadly, baleful, mortal, vital
19. lucrative = fruitful, gainful, profitable, advantageous, worthwhile
20. obscure (adj.) = dim, uncertain, unclear, murky, ambiguous, vague
21. obscure (v.) = conceal, hide, dim, obfuscate, blur
22. prominent = expert, famous, notable, renowned, outstanding, celebrated,
distinguished, important , distinguished, notable,
noticeable, outstanding, remarkable, conspicuous
23. pronounced = decided, distinct, marked, notable, obvious,
significant, strongest, definite
24. advocate = argue for, promote, recommend,
speak in favor of, support, champion, endorse
25. comprise = be made up of, consist of, contain, include,
make up, account for, constitute
26. disperse = disseminate, dissipate, scatter, spread out, diffuse, distribute
27. exploit = make use of, use, utilize, harness, take advantage of, use to advantage
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